Mit dem Piratenschiff Hook zur Insel Hl. Anastasia


Genießen Sie eine tolle Fahrt zur Insel „Hl. Anastasia“!

Jeden Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag

Bustransfer von Sonnenstrand nach Pomorie inklusive!
Animation, Mittagessen und Getränke ohne Limit inklusive!

Rufen Sie uns an: +359 888 338 314, Viber, WhatsApp

“Wild Pirates” Program, “St. Anastasia” island

09:00 – Bus transfer from Sunny Beach
10:00 – Sailing from the port of Pomorie
10:30 – Animation program
11:00 – Mooring at “St. Anastasia” island, walking around the island, time for beach, bathing
12:30 – Lunch
13:00 – Sailing from the island, animation program, foam party
15:00 – Mooring at Pomorie and transfer to the hotels
The prices include attraction program, lunch (breaded fish, cooked potatoes, cabbage and carrots salad); unlimited water, soft drinks and alcohol (vodka, rum, grape brandy, beer, white and red wine).

Adults: 78 BGN
Children: 42 BGN

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday